Start Earning Rewards with our Hotel Brand's Loyalty Programs!

We get it - travel expenses can add up quickly! That's why you won't find a higher quality hotel at a better value in the Fort Leonard Wood area. Plus, five of our six hotel brands offer a loyalty program. At Fort Wood Hotels, we accept IHG Rewards Club , Choice Privileges , Marriott BonVoy , and Hilton Honors . By offering our guests our brand's loyalty programs, it gives them the opportunity to save even more money when you travel. Read on to learn about the various loyalty programs and how you can start saving money the next time you stay at one of our hotels in St. Robert, Mo . IHG Rewards Club IHG Rewards Club is accepted at Candlewood Suites in St. Robert, Missouri . Getting rewarded is easy. You earn points when you stay with us at Candlewood Suites and over 5,000 other hotels. Keep accruing points throughout the year when you travel, shop, and dine with IHG Rewards Club partners. You gain 10 points for every $1 USD spent. When you're ready to cash...