Best Tips When Traveling With Kids

With summer approaching and school ending, family travel is at the top of the "To Do" list.  Summer trips are where memories are made and families bond.  Long car rides can be part of the adventure!  At Fort Wood Hotels we know the value of family trips, so we have a few tips when traveling with kids.   We will cover ways to make the time go faster during your car ride and activities that kids can enjoy in our hotel rooms in St. Robert Missouri.  Our area has it all from hiking trails, walking trails, shopping, restaurants, museums and much more.  Now is the perfect time to visit Mid-Missouri and enjoy time with the family.   


When traveling with kids, a long car ride can be exhausting.  The fighting, loud noises, and complaining can make family trips daunting.  Here at Fort Wood Hotels, we believe taking time to enjoy trips with your family has lifelong positive effects.  It can help you bond, let go of everyday stress and enjoy the small things in life.  However, if the car ride makes you want to turn around before arriving at your destination, you will be off to a rough start.  Here are a few tips on how to make the car ride more enjoyable for everyone!
  • Plan Ahead To Make The Time Fly! Find ways to keep them busy while traveling to your destination.  Pack a small cooler with drinks and snacks.  This way you don't have to stop as often, and they stay full.  Full bellies make happy kids.  Create an activity bag for each kid.  Have a book, electronic, toy, or anything that child enjoys.  This can be different for each kid but remember to put each kid's items in their own easy to carry bag.  Don't use one bag for all toys.  It will lead to fighting and create more chaos.  We recommend small backpacks for each kid.  Then, you can also use this same bag of activities when you go to restaurants while on your trip.  The small backpack can fit right on each kid's back, so less for you to carry.  It is a win-win for everyone!
  • Have Fun With Car Games. This can be fun for the entire family.  This is a great way to interact with your kids and pass the time quick.  Great games to play could include finding license plates from each state.  Singing funny songs to make each other laugh.  Remember to take turns picking out the song.  A great educational game is starting with the letter "A" find a business that starts with that letter and work your way down the alphabet to the letter "Z".  You can only use businesses you pass by or billboards work great.  This game is harder than you think.  You may even have your own family games as well, but anything to get everyone involved is a great way to pass the time.
  • Create Gifts To Give Each Kid As You Pass A Landmark! This takes some planning but really helps with the "Are We There Yet" question.  Look at the route you are taking to get to your destination.  Let's say it is a four-hour drive to get to where you are going.  Look at the towns you will be arriving at around each hour of the trip.  You will then create a small gift for each kid to open when you arrive at each landmark.  In this instance, you leave the house at 9am so at 10am whatever town you are in, you would give the kids a gift.  Then tell them the next town's name you have decided will be your next landmark that is an hour away.  They have to wait to get their next gift at that point.  This will get them excited and you can encourage them to read the road signs.  They will see the miles till the next landmark and get excited.  Gift ideas can be small, maybe a favorite snack, or sunglasses to use in the car.  Another great idea is something they can use during an activity you plan to do while on your trip.  Like, goggles for swimming.  Keep it affordable but kids love presents and this one will sure to be fun!


On every trip, a little downtime is needed.  If you have a range of ages, one may need to go to the room to nap while the older kids have to wait.  If you find yourself needing fun hotel room activities, we have a few tips up our sleeve.
  • Take Advantage Of Onsite Amenities. One parent can relax with the younger kids while another enjoys the swimming pools our hotels have to offer.  Just don't forget to pack your swim gear and pool toys to make the most out of it.  We have amazing lobbies to read a book, business centers, snack cupboards and more.  Check our hotel website for a list of onsite amenities.
  • Pack Games For The Kids. We all need to rest in between sightseeing.  It is essential for kids to have a little downtime to get recharged and not act crazy later in the day.  You can keep it low key by bringing board games on your trip. Kids love family board games.  You can even pack cards or handheld electronic games.  Our hotels come with TV's in each room with movies galore.  Wind down to a family movie and get recharged for your next family adventure.  Don't forget those handy backpacks of activities you packed for the car can also be great for the hotel room.  If you forget any games at home, some of our hotels have coloring items, free movies, board games and puzzles you can check out at the front desk.  
  • Make Towel Animals.  Get creative and see who can make the best towel animal. You never know what special talent might be discovered.  It may be challenging for the younger ones but still a fun activity that doesn't take much effort.  If that fails, just take a bubble bath and relax. 

Don't let traveling with kids keep you from making lots of family memories this summer.  Planning ahead will keep everyone rested and happy.  Make sure you plan for downtime with little kids and it will make your trip much more enjoyable.  The car ride has the potential to be one of the best places to make memories! These tips can make your trip fun for all ages.  Whether you stay a weekend or a week we know you will have plenty to keep you busy.  Make sure when planning your next great trip to St. Robert MO, you plan to stay a few days so you can take it all in.  Fort Wood Hotels has six different properties to choose from and we will find exactly what you need for your visit.  Just make sure you choose one of our hotels near Fort Leonard Wood as your place to stay. Fort Wood Hotels has been serving guests and communities in and around the Fort Leonard Wood Missouri area since 1999. We are absolutely committed to ensuring that your stay is as special as the reason you are here. At Fort Wood Hotels we offer great brands in a great location. You will not find higher quality hotels at a better value in our area. Our hotels and staff consistently earn top awards, and our unbeatable guest satisfaction speaks volumes about our commitment to you. It all comes back to offering hometown hospitality and giving the guests what they need.

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

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