Employee Spotlight-Michelle Beckley!

Fort Wood Hotels has Six Award Winning hotels in St. Robert MO ran by a team of top-notch employees.  We have many exceptional employees that make our hotels stand out amongst its competitors with our "Ozark Hospitality".  Our hotels near Fort Leonard Wood MO operates at such a high level due to the training leadership of our Director of Training & Development, Michelle Beckley.  Here are a few fun facts about Michelle Beckley to get to know her a bit.   

Learn About Michelle Beckley

Q. How did you get started with Fort Wood Hotels?

A. I have worked for the Ehrhardt's for 24 years but only at Fort Wood Hotels for the past 7 years.  I started working at the Houston, MO Hardee's as a hostess in 1992 in high school. In 1994, I moved to Lebanon, MO Hardee's as a shift manager and worked up to general manager, where I proudly stayed for 15 years.  In 2011, I had an amazing opportunity to move into the hotel hospitality side of the Ehrhardt's business.

Q. Are you from the St. Robert, Missouri area?

A. I grew up an hour away in a small town called Raymondville, Missouri.  I moved to the area in 2002 and I have proudly lived here since.  

Q. What do you like most about your job?

A. THE PEOPLE!  I love the people I work with and they are my work family.  They are a diverse group of people and truly are Rockstar's!  I love that we have employees that have been here for many many years that spread their industry knowledge every day.  As well as, new employees that bring fresh energy and talent to our culture.  It's the combination of those two groups that keep us motivated and inspired.  

Q. What are some of your favorite things to do when you are not at work?

A. I love spending time with my family.  In the summer I love swimming in the pool.  If I need to wind down, my favorite spot is my old chair to read, relax or nap.  Oh, and I love to cook because I love to eat.

Q. What is your favorite shameless TV Show?

A. Grey's Anatomy is my favorite....but if we go even farther back, I love reruns of The Golden Girls and Seinfeld.

Q. What did you want to be when you grew up?

A. What I wanted to be when I grew up changed countless times over the years from being a teacher, actress, singer to even wanted to be an FBI agent.  At one time I wanted to study criminology and psychology....I thought I could ultimately be Jodie Foster...Agent Starling from Silence of the Lambs.

Q. What was the most unusual or interesting job you have ever had?

A. When I was 15 years old, I worked at the local Houston Missouri radio station.  My job was to organize the 45's.....yes the 45's vinyl.  It was a fun job though listening to the DJ's and all the music.

Q. What is something very few people know about you?

A. I love to camping.....from setting it up, the outdoors, walking barefoot in the grass, listening to the sounds of nature.....I love ALL of it!

Q. What is the weirdest food you have eaten?

A. Turtle and Snake soup...YUCK!  I remember my great-grandma making it and the rule was we had to at least try it.  I was 10 or 11 years old and still remember it.  

Q. Do you have any pets?

A. I have two female redbone coonhounds named Fab (short for Fabulous) and Miss Bailey.  I also have one rowdy male black coonhound named Ozzy.  They are part of the family!

Q. Tell us about your family?

A. My family is AMAZING and I have been blessed with many grandparents, aunts, cousins, and friends.  My parents are Carl and Cecelia and they are the best parents in the world.  I have a younger brother Carl....who is pretty great too.  I am married to the very handsome Jason, who has been my partner in crime for a decade now.  Brittany is 23 years old and is my beautiful daughter that attends MSU.  My sweet son AJ is 16 years old and will be a junior in high school and keeps me on my toes.  Miss Taylor is my beautiful step-daughter that is 15 years old going on 30.  She is amazing and wouldn't trade her for the world.  I love spending time with them whether we are going from event to event or simply hanging out with no agenda.  They are my world!

Q. Do you have a personal philosophy or motto?

A. My purpose in life is to LOVE others so they can LOVE themselves so that they can LOVE others.

Q. What are three career/life lessons you have learned?

A. One lesson I have learned is life-including business is NOT black and white.  It's not even grey.  It is red, yellow, green, and blue.  Somedays it is loaded with glitter and others it is the dullest of dull.  Every day you should do your best, stay humble, and find all the joy around you that you can because tomorrow...or even the rest of today is never promised.

The second lesson I have learned is you can learn A LOT by just listening.  Giving someone your undivided attention is one of the best gifts you can give.

The third lesson I have learned, is sometimes you have to take the high road and move on...end of story. 

Fort Wood Hotels is honored to have such an outstanding individual on our team.  Michelle Beckley's infectious personality sets the bar at Fort Wood Hotels.  We are lucky to have such an outstanding team member.  Her dedication and hard work lays the foundation for every new employee as they go through the training program. 

You will not find higher quality hotels at a better value in our area. Our hotels near Fort Leonard Wood and staff consistently earn top awards, and our unbeatable guest satisfaction speaks volumes about our commitment to you.  It all comes back to offering hometown hospitality and giving the guests what they need.

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

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