Fort Wood Hotel's Top Travel Safety Tips!

June is National Safety Month and we know that many folks will be on the road this month.  At our hotels, safety is a number one priority, and we also hope you travel safely while on the road.  This time of year family travel is at the top of the "To Do" list and we hope if you need a hotel in St. Robert Missouri, you stay with us.  Summer trips are where memories are made and families bond.  At Fort Wood Hotels we know the value of family trips, so we have some top travel safety tips when traveling by car to keep you and your family safe.  


Traveling helps us rejuvenate and experience life.  It is essential to get away from time to time, but it is just as essential to remember to be safe while traveling.  Here are a few ways you can make your trip fun and safe!
  • Leave an Itinerary with a Friend or Family Member.   Regardless of how you plan to travel...alone, with family or friends, you need to leave an itinerary with someone back home.  It can be as detailed or as basic as you would like to make it.  You need to put the day when you plan to leave, the day you will return, and a rough outline of where you plan to travel.  Include any stops along the way and where your final destination will be.  This will allow someone back home to be on alert if you don't return by a certain day. You will also have someone available to track you down in case an emergency should arise. If you already know where you will be staying, it would be a good idea to leave that information as well.  Cell phone service isn't always good in all parts of the U.S., so leaving an itinerary will make you available should something arise.  
  • Keep Your Valuables and Cash Hidden. When traveling we all take extra cash and maybe additional credit cards or identification.  We recommend storing these extra valuables in one area.  It could be stored in your luggage bag, glove box or somewhere you can keep locked and stored safely.  You may need to adjust your location once you reach your destination.   
  • Store Emergency Numbers in a Safe Spot. Technology (Laptops, Ipads, Smartphones) can make life easy but once something breaks or is stolen, having access to your emergency contact information can be tough.  We recommend writing out all important contact information, so you have a backup in case your technology fails you.  Make sure to include family members contact numbers, doctor's contact information and it wouldn't hurt to have destination contact information stored.  (Name of hotel, phone number, etc.)  
  • Pack an Emergency Car Kit. Emergencies can happen and catch you off guard.  Be prepared and pack an emergency car kit so you are ready when needed.  We recommend having a vehicle emergency car kit and a first aid kit.  There are many kits you can buy already packaged so you don't have to prepare it.  If you prepare your own kit, include anything you may need.  For vehicles, we recommend jumper cables, flares, flashlight(s), batteries, emergency poncho, duct tape, screwdriver, shop cloth, and cable ties.  First aid kits should include, scissors, tweezers, vinyl gloves, antiseptic towelettes, alcohol prep pads, bandages, sterile gauze pads, sterile gauze roll and adhesive tape. The main goal is to be prepared if you find yourself in an emergency.  

Traveling is a great way to have fun and relax.  Being prepared and safe will make your traveling experience even more enjoyable.  Following these Top Travel Safety Tips can help you have a safe and enjoyable vacation.   

Whether you stay for a weekend or a week, we know you will have plenty to keep you busy.  Plan your next great trip to St. Robert MO, stay a few days.  We have so much to see!  Fort Wood Hotels has six different properties to choose from and we will find exactly what you need for your visit.  Just make sure you choose one of our hotels near Fort Leonard Wood as your place to stay. Fort Wood Hotels has been serving guests and communities in and around the Fort Leonard Wood Missouri area since 1999. We are absolutely committed to ensuring that your stay is as special as the reason you are here. 

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

Make sure to follow all our social media channels:

Reservations: 573-451-3678

Sales Office: 573-451-3203


  1. These tips are great and helpful. The thrill of discovering and learning new things is just like a fire I can't quench. So far I have been to several countries like Canada, New Zealand, Malaysia, UK, and seeing your blog I love it. I feel there is a thing or two I could learn merely reading through your blog posts. They are just so amazing and I don't think I have seen any writing like this before, so accurate and informative. I would also love to contribute to your blog my experiences and travel (that is, if you let me).


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