Your Military Relocation Step by Step Guide-Part 1

Military relocation has its challenges and if you are moving from a distance, it can make it even more difficult. It is important to be prepared so your move can be as stress-free as possible. Just like with any move, having a list of what is needed, will keep you on track. Fort Wood Hotels can help make moving to the Fort Leonard Wood area a little less stressful. We have a checklist to help you stay organized during your next move to the Fort Leonard Wood area.  This Fort Leonard Wood Military Relocation part one checklist will cover items to take care of prior to 40 days of moving. Check back next week for the rest of our military relocation checklist


  • Vehicle Registration
  • Prepare a financial statement which includes your assets (income, property, and savings) and your liabilities (mortgage, loans, and credit card balances)
  • Prepare your house to sell or rent.
  • Check immunization records for each family member.
  • Set up a system for keeping track of expenses related to your move. (You will need a record for tax deduction reasons if you itemize)
  • Check the expiration date on military ID cards and update if necessary.
  • Make a list of everyone to be notified of your move (friends, family, schools, organizations, creditors, etc).
  • Make an inventory of your possessions and estimate their value.  Remember to include computer software, disks, videos, books, pictures, china, glassware, linens, clothing, tools, sports, and hobby equipment, musical instruments, cameras, furniture, lamps, etc.  Include the brand name, serial number, purchase date and purchase price on the list, if known.  Stop by the Relocation Readiness Program and pick up an Inventory Tracker (hardcopy or electronic).
  • Obtain a written appraisal for valuable items such as antiques, jewelry, and paintings.  To obtain appraisals, check with a professional who deals with the kind of valuables you have.
  • Ask about concurrent travel arrangements.
  • Organize your personal papers and set up a RECORDS file.  The file should contain: insurance policies, last leave & earning statement (LES), original will, bank books, state/federal tax records, car registration, title deeds or mortgages, professional licenses, passports, appraisals, videotapes/photos of personal property, purchase receipts for valuable items (furniture, computer, television, etc), legal papers (marriage license, birth certificates, divorce decree, adoption paperwork, etc), financial records (name, address, phone number and account numbers for banks/creditors) and a list of important numbers.
  • Visit the Relocation Readiness Program.
  • Make an appointment with your Command Financial NCO to prepare a relocation budget for non-reimbursed moving expenses (rent, deposits, hook-up fees, etc).  Also, ask about options for paying bills while you are in transit.
  • Check on pet restrictions, quarantines, and boarding at your new destination.  Pet information can be found in the sites booklet for your new destination.
  • Request a sponsor from your new destination.
  • If a family member has special medical/educational needs, contact the Exceptional Family Member Program to confirm enrollment and to seek assistance.
  • Call Finance for details on Temporary Lodging Expenses (TLE), Dislocation Allowance, per diem rates and other entitlements.
  • Discuss the pending relocation with all members of your family.  The Relocation Readiness Program can provide suggestions on helping children prepare for the move.
  • Make an appointment with the Transportation Office, to schedule your household goods shipments.  During the appointment, be sure to discuss: Shipment and storage of personal property, unaccompanied baggage, authorized weight allowances, shipping/storing your privately owned vehicle, shipping your pet, shipping privately-owned firearms, self-procured moves.
  • Make billeting reservations at your new destination or use the phone number listed in SITES.
  • Make kennel reservations for your pet.
  • Call the housing office to give notice of intent to terminate military family housing.  Ask for a copy of the final cleaning requirements so that you will know what is expected.  BAH will not start until final termination of quarters.
  • If the sponsor is going on a remote tour, have a family meeting to decide where the family will reside until the sponsor returns.


  • Check your auto, renters and homeowner's insurance to make sure you have coverage for any damages or loss during shipment and storage. Before purchasing additional insurance, talk to the Joint Personal Property Shipping Office.
  • Survey your possessions so that the items you plan to put into storage or to ship to your new location can be repaired or cleaned.
  • Start using up things that can't be transported, such as food, cleaning supplies and flammables.
  • Update and renew driver's licenses, if necessary.
  • Using the information provided in SITES by your new installation, start making a list of items to carry with you, items to ship in "unaccompanied baggage", items to ship in regular household goods shipment, items to sell, items to store and items to giveaway.
  • Arrange for an absentee voting ballot or obtain the address where you can write for ballots.
  • Obtain a change of address kit from the post office and fill out the cards.  You may need to do this twice if you are using temporary quarters at your next post.  
  • Notify everyone on the notification list" you made earlier that you are moving.  Give them a forwarding address.
  • Check pre-registration procedures for enrolling children in school.  This information can be found in SITES.
  • If you plan on driving, stop and do some sightseeing along the way.  Visit your local Information, Ticketing & Registration (ITR) Office.  Remember, to make the appropriate lodging reservations for your road trip.
  • Check the expiration date on personal credit cards you plan to use during the trip.  Renew early if necessary.
  • Take pets to a veterinarian for required vaccinations and certificates.  Get copies of medical records.
  • Spouses update resumes and send to prospective employers.  The Employment Readiness Program and SITES can provide you with guidance in this area.


There are many moving parts that all need to happen fast, so finding the right home near Fort Leonard Wood may not happen fast enough. If you find your family in need of a place to stay while searching for your next place to call home, stay with us. Fort Wood Hotels have extended stay hotels that are the perfect option when needing a place to stay near Fort Leonard Wood.  Fort Leonard Wood Army Post is only minutes away from our family of hotels making it a perfect option during your transition. All of our hotels are close to everything you will need when visiting the St. Robert, MO area. Only a short three-minute drive to the gates of the Fort Leonard Wood's Army Post, you won't be far. Most of our hotels are conveniently located right off Interstate 44. 
We know relocating to a new area can be expensive, so we try to offer many hotel perks that help offset the costs. When you need a place to stay while searching for your next home, you can save money by staying at a Fort Wood Hotels property. We have a couple of options to help you save money while visiting our area including booking a hotel room that offers a kitchenette.  Meals can be affordable if you go this route, especially if you have a large family this expense can add up quick!  We are close to many grocery stores so after you get checked in, swing by one of our local grocery stores and grab a few essentials for your stay.  

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

Make sure to follow all our social media channels:

Reservations: 573-451-3678

Sales Office: 573-451-3203


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