5 Ways to Observe Memorial Day

Most of us are gearing up for the first holiday weekend of the summer - Memorial Day Weekend. While many of us take advantage of this three day weekend to have some fun with our family and friends, it's important to remember and observe Memorial Day as intended: to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our nation. There are many ways to observe Memorial Day and today Fort Wood Hotels would like to share a few ways you can observe Memorial Day in a way that will honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so we can live in this great country. 

#1 Displaying the Flag 

On Memorial Day, the U.S. flag should be displayed at half-staff from sunrise until noon and then raised to the top of the staff until sunset, in honor of the nation's battle heroes. 

#2 Visiting Cemeteries 

One of the most popular ways to honor the fallen heroes on Memorial Day is by visiting cemeteries and placing flowers or flags on the graves of fallen soldiers. 

#3 Participate in the National Moment of Remembrance 

Each Memorial Day, since 1996, there is a National Moment of Remembrance at 3:00 pm local time where all Americans are encouraged to participate in a one minute moment of silence to remember and honor those who have died in the service of the US. 

#4  Participate in a Local Event 

Many towns will host specific events to observe Memorial Day. If you are in the St. Robert area, there will be a Mid-American Freedom Rally taking place at the Pulaski County-Ft. Wood Shrine Club May 24th through May 27th. Not too far up the road from St. Robert, in Richland, Mo there will be a Trail of Heroes Flag Display taking place all day at Shady Dell Park. If you're not going to be in the area, we encourage you to look up other local events in your area that focus on honoring our fallen soldiers.

Another event in the Fort Leonard Wood Area is the Assistance Association Missouri Veterans Cemetery will be providing a shuttle service to the Missouri Veterans Cemetery on Monday, May 27th beginning at 11:00 am. 

#5 Learning About Family and American History 

Memorial Day is a great day to get together with your family to teach and learn about your ancestors, especially those who died serving their country. Spend the day sharing stories about family members and look at old photographs. You can also spend the day brushing up on American history and reading Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and other patriotic speeches. 

We hope that you find this list helpful for thinking of ways to honor and remember those who have served in our Military and made the ultimate sacrifice. It's okay to still enjoy the weekend with your family and friends enjoying your time off but it's important to take time out of your day on Memorial Day to observe the holiday as intended. 

If you're thinking about making a spur of the moment trip to visit a soldier in Fort Leonard Wood, be sure to book your stay at one of our hotels in St. Robert, Mo. Our hotels near Fort Leonard Wood and staff consistently earn top awards, and our unbeatable guest satisfaction speaks volumes about our commitment to you. Visit www.FortWoodHotels.com to book your next stay with us!

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