5 Tips for Summer Traveling with Kids

Are you gearing up for your summer family vacation? Family vacations are something that your kids will remember for a lifetime and so will you! Depending on how far you have to go, sometimes traveling with kids can be challenging...but it doesn't have to be! The best way to ensure successful travel with your kids is to have a plan and prepare accordingly for your trip. Today, Fort Wood Hotels has 5 tips for summer traveling with kids.

#1 Allow Plenty of Time - For Everything 

If you've been a parent for any amount of time, you know that anything you do with your children typically takes much longer than if you were just by yourself or with your significant other. This is no different when you are traveling and you should keep this in mind. Try to allow plenty of extra time so you're not stressed out trying to make your itinerary work, it is a vacation after all!

#2 Book Your Accommodations In Advance 

Spontaneous travel can be fun when you just have two people to care for but when you're traveling with kids, it's best to have a plan and book accommodations in advance. You don't want to have to spend unnecessary time calling or driving around to try and find a hotel when the kids are tired, hungry, and wore out from traveling.

If you are planning a trip to Fort Leonard Wood, we recommend booking directly with our hotel in St. Robert, Mo! There are numerous third party booking agencies on the web and many of them boast easy, fast, and most affordable way to book hotels. What many people don't know is when you book through a third party booking site, you miss out on many of the reward programs that our brand hotels offer.  Not to mention, hidden fees and lost reservations, just to name a few of the pitfalls of third party booking sites.

#3 Pack Convenient Snacks 

It never fails that when you sit down to eat a meal that the kids only want to eat a couple bites which means they will likely be hungry in just a couple hours after mealtime. Kids can get cranky when they are hungry, so avoid a traveling meltdown by having a few handy snacks available. Having quick and easy snacks are great for traveling to and from your destination and during the duration of your trip.

#4 Bring Entertainment 

Let's face it if you are going on any kind of road trip that lasts more than a few hours, kids will get bored in the car. Bring plenty of things to keep them entertained. All kids are different but a few ideas to keep them busy include movies, tablets, coloring books, or even playing a couple car games like eye spy!

If you're coming to Fort Leonard Wood to visit a soldier, being in the car for extending period of time is a great time to talk about why you are visiting them if you have young children. Here at Fort Wood Hotels, we take pride in supporting our military and we believe instilling patriotism into our youth is important. Take this opportunity to talk to your kids about our military and explain to them that the person you are visiting serves in our military.

#5 Pack First-Aid and Medicine 

It's important to have a few first aid items packed away in case something happens. You never know when yours or your kid's allergies will act up, a small fever, or a scraped knee will happen. Having a few medical supplies on hand will help to avoid having to make an emergency trip to the drug store.

Book Your Stay at Fort Wood Hotels! 

If you're traveling with kids this summer we hope that you find this list helpful for your travels. If you're planning a trip to Fort Leonard Wood or even if you need a place to stay overnight when passing through, Fort Wood Hotels is conveniently located right off of I-44! At Fort Wood Hotels we offer great brands in a great location. This is only possible with our family of employees that provide top-notch hospitality. You will not find higher quality hotels at a better value in our area!

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

Make sure to follow all our social media channels:

Reservations: 573-451-3678

Sales Office: 573-451-3203



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