6 Moving Tips for Military Relocation

Fort Wood Hotels are located just minutes from the Fort Leonard Wood Army Post. Being close to the Army Post, we understand that military relocation happens often. Moving can be an exciting start to a new adventure with your family. Although sometimes the thought of having to pack up and move all of your belongings can seem to be a daunting task. Today, our family hotels in St. Robert, Mo has a few moving tips to consider if you've received orders to relocate to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

#1 Start Planning ASAP 

Once you know where you will be moving to, you should start planning for your move immediately. Time will go by fast and starting the planning process quickly can help lessen your stress when your moving day gets closer. Start by making to-do lists, reading up on moving tips, and gathering information for your new home.

#2 Gather and Organize Your Paperwork 

During your move, you are going to need a lot of paperwork. Before you begin packing, be sure to gather all of the necessary paperwork you will need and keep it in a safe place. A great way to keep track of important documents is to create a binder to keep everything organized. You will want to have easy access to all of your paperwork and make sure they don't get packed away. A few important documents you will need to have handy include:

  • Orders 
  • Vehicle documents 
  • School and employment records 
  • Housing Information 
  • Marriage, divorce, birth and naturalization certificates
  • IDs, driver's licenses, Social Security cards and passports for every member of your family
  • Medical information 

#3 Tell Your Children 

Moving can be hard on children. It's important to let them know as soon as possible and answer any questions that they may have about the move. 

#4 Declutter and Start Fresh 

Even though packing can be a pain, sometimes it's a blessing in disguise. This is your chance to declutter and start fresh. As you pack, go through each room and get rid of items you don't use anymore. Unless unopened boxes contain personal or sentimental items, you should never move an unopened box from your last move. 


Labeling the outside of your boxes may seem like a lot of work during the moving process, but trust us, it will save you a lot of hassle when start unboxing your things. If you're hiring movers, this is especially important so your movers will know where each box goes.

#6 Clean Everything Thoroughly

Once you have everything packed up, don’t forget to clean your home thoroughly! If you put down a deposit, you’ll want to get that back. Check with your landlord for a checklist of their cleaning expectations and check everything off the list. Doing so will help get your deposit back and prevent extra charges. Check back in soon for a future blog about cleaning tips!

Welcome to Fort Leonard Wood! 

If you're relocating to Fort Leonard Wood, we want to wish you a warm welcome to the area from Fort Wood Hotels! If you're coming into the area to look for housing or getting a feel for the area before you move, we would love to have you stay at one of our hotel in Fort Leonard Wood! We have six top-notch hotel brands to choose from and they are located just minutes from the Fort Leonard Wood Army Post! Once you're settled in, our conveniently located hotels make it easy for your family members to visit you often. Visit our website to book your stay and easily compare our hotels to find the accommodations that will make you comfortable during your visit. 

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

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