7 New Year's Resolutions and Tips for Achieving Them!

It’s officially the new year and it’s time to make those New Year’s Resolutions if you haven’t already! This time of year, millions of people write down their goals and aspirations for the upcoming year in hopes to spark positive change in their life. Have you made your New Year’s Resolution list yet? It’s not too late to think about your goals for 2020 and today, Fort Wood Hotels not only has a list of popular resolutions for you to consider but also a few strategies for sticking with them.

#1 Get in Shape/Lose Weight

Losing weight and getting into shape is one of the top resolutions among Americans. Over a third of the population sets out to lose weight in the New Year.

#2 Save Money 

Another popular New Year's Resolution is to make a plan to save money. Whether you want to build long-term wealth, purchase a house, or simply not live paycheck to paycheck, making a plan to save money is a great resolution to make!

#3 Travel More 

Traveling is a great way to spend time with your family and friends, experience a new culture, partake in new experiences, and see new terrain. 

A great way to travel across the US is to take a road trip down Route 66! Historic Route 66 spans over 2,400 miles, and crosses 8 states. Check out our past blog "Take a Trip Down Route 66" for some ideas! 

#4 Read More Books 

You can learn a lot by opening a great book! Plus, the winter months are a great time of year to relax and take some time for yourself.

#5 Take the Stairs 

If exercising more is a part of your resolutions lists, adding "Take the Stairs" could be a great way to incorporate exercise into your day to day routine.

#6 Volunteer 

Thinking about making an impact in your local community in 2020? Consider volunteering for an organization that you value their mission. Clean up parks, work with children, raise funds for food pantries or volunteer to help local Veterans.

#7 Less Screen Time 

Do you find yourself glued to your devices too often? Reducing your time spent on your phone or computer can be great for your mental health. Consider replacing some of the time spent on your device with activities you enjoy like spending time with your family, walking the dog, or enjoying a new hobby.

Tips for Sticking with Your Goals! 

Sitting down and setting your intentions for the year is easy, actually sticking to them can be a bit more challenging. Below are a few tips for achieving your New Years Resolutions this year!

Be Specific 

One of the best ways to stick to your goals is to be very specific about what you want to achieve. Simply saying, "I want to get healthy" isn't specific enough to get great results. When setting your goals considering using the "SMART" goal formula. Each goal you set should be:

Specific- Again, saying "I want to get healthy" isn't very specific. Define what being healthy means for you - eating more greens, working out 3x a week, etc.

Measurable - A goal, in general, should be measurable. If getting healthy means dropping bodyweight, consider setting a measurable goal like I want to lose 10 pounds or 10% of my body weight.

Attainable - It's important to not set unrealistic goals that will only lead to failure. Be reasonable and choose a goal that is in the realm of possibilities of accomplishing.

Relevant  - Make sure when you set your goals they are relevant to your priorities and lifestyle.

Time Sensitive - Give yourself a timeline for achieving your goal. Having a time frame will give yourself something to work for to celebrate your victories. Consider breaking up your big goals into smaller goals with timeframes to make each goal more measurable. This can also help you feel less overwhelmed.

Happy New Year from Fort Wood Hotels! 

From all of us at Fort Wood Hotels, we hope you are having a great start to your New Year! It's not too late to set your intentions for the year, and we hope a few of these resolutions have inspired you! If traveling more and saving money made your list, our hotels in St. Robert, Mo can help! Fort Wood Hotels is located right along Route 66 and a great place to vacation or stop by on your way to your destination!  You will not find higher quality hotels near Fort Leonard Wood at a better value. We absolutely guarantee satisfaction. This is why our hotels consistently earn top awards. It all comes back to giving guests what they want. When you stay at one of Fort Wood Hotels by Ehrhardt Properties, you will realize we take our mission very seriously!

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

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