Pulaski County's Year Round' Farmers Market!

Attending a farmers market is a great way to enjoy produce at the peak of freshness as well as purchase handmade products from community members. The Pulaski County Farmers Market operates year-round and is a great activity to enjoy whether you are local to the area or visiting Fort Leonard Wood. Read on to learn more about our local farmers market, Pulaski County Farmers Market!

Pulaski County Farmers Market 


Open Every Saturday from 8:00am - 12:00pm rain or shine! 


Farmer's Market Pavilion at the Roubioux Campground Waynesville, Missouri 

Mission: Providing the area citizens with healthful locally grown foods by connecting the farmer to the consumer.

What You'll Find at the Market 

Everything is local! Fresh vegetables, and fruits in season, fresh-cut herbs, naturally raised meats including bison,  cage-free eggs, old fashioned soaps, natural bath & body care, handmade laundry soap, jams, honey, candied nuts, crafts and a large variety of baked goods from traditional bread to exotic sweets. 

Photo Credit: Pulaski County Farmers Market 

4 Reasons to Visit a Local Farmers Market 

#1 Enjoy Seasonal Items 

Food that you purchase at the Farmers Market is always seasonal and fresh. Unlike the fruits and vegetables, you find at the grocery store, you'll only find vegetables and fruits that are in season! This makes your produce taste more flavorful. 

#2 Support Family Farmers 

Local family farms need a lot of support due to the increase in large farming corporations. Buying directly from a farmer can help boost small family farms' revenue and give them a higher return on all the hard work they do. 

#3 Connect With the Community 

Attending a farmers market is a great way to connect with community members. Meet new friends, learn where your food comes from, and enjoy shopping outdoors instead of inside the grocery store. Attending a farmers market is an enjoyable experience and takes the "chore" out of shopping.  

#4 Enjoy Variety

You'll often find produce, meats, and handmade items that you wouldn't find at your grocery store. Find non-GMO produce as well as a variety of other items! From grass-fed meats, fresh eggs, purple carrots, heirloom tomatoes, and more! 

Attend the Farmers Market During Your Visit at Fort Leonard Wood! 

If you're planning a trip to Fort Leonard Wood, we encourage you to visit the Pulaski County Farmers' Market! You'll find all kinds of fresh produces and handmade items to take home with you and looking around the market can be a lot of fun! If you're visiting the Fort Leonard soon, we hope you'll consider booking your lodging accommodations with us at Fort Wood Hotels. We offer great hotel brands, great locations, and a never-ending focus on improving operations define who we are. We are determined to continue investing in our hotels. We listen to our guests and respond to their needs. Plus two of our hotel locations offer kitchens, so if you find something tasty at the farmers market, you won't have to wait until you get back home to enjoy it!  

Make sure to follow all our social media channels:

Reservations: 573-451-3678

Sales Office: 573-451-3203



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