Fun At Home Activities to Do with Kids

If you find yourself staying home with the kids over spring break, you may be looking for fun activities to do at home if you’re not planning to travel. Planning some fun activities is a great way to pass the time and have quality family time. If you’re stumped on how to keep the kids entertained, read on to get a few ideas from Fort Wood Hotels!

Start an Indoor Garden 

With the arrival of spring, stores have their garden sections stocked. Consider letting your children pick out a few seed variety’s and plant them indoors. You don’t have to grow an entire garden but planting a few variety’s and letting them grow in the window sill is a fun afternoon activity and learning experience. Put together a schedule for watering your plants and have fun watching them grow!  

Art Work on Butcher Paper 

Butcher paper makes for a great canvas for drawing and coloring. Unroll enough butcher paper to cover your dining room or kitchen table. Having a continue piece of paper to draw and color on can be an exciting experience for kids and keep them entertained for hours. 

Homemade Playdough 

Did you know you can make your own Playdough with common kitchen ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry? Playdough is inexpensive to make and a lot of fun for the kids! Check out a recipe we found HERE.

Dance Party 

Looking for a fun way to get some exercise in and maybe even wear the kids out? Have a dance party! Let the kids pick out a few of their favorite songs and dance it out. 

Dinner and a Movie 

Plan a fun dinner and movie night with the family. Pick out a movie the whole family will and enjoy and let the kids help you cook dinner. Build a blanket pallet on the floor and eat dinner in the living room accompanied by a movie. 

Teach Them About Your Family Tree 

How often do you talk to your children about your family history? Consider doing a fun hands on DIY family tree craft. Talk about your family members and enjoy building a family tree together. Check out a handy tutorial we found HERE

We hope you’ve found these fun activity ideas helpful and you’ll implement some of them over your break at home with the kids. If you don’t have any plans for spring break but you’re looking for a fun trip to take over the summer, consider traveling to Fort Leonard Wood! From educational museums, Route 66, and plenty of outdoor activists Fort Leonard Wood is the perfect summer vacation. 

Book Your Summer Vacation at Fort Wood Hotels 

At You will not find higher quality hotels near Fort Leonard Wood at a better value. We absolutely guarantee satisfaction. This is why our hotels consistently earn top awards. It all comes back to giving guests what they want. When you stay at one of Fort Wood Hotels by Ehrhardt Properties, you will realize we take our mission very seriously!

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