Missouri is Turning 200! 🥳🎈 Missouri 2021 Bicentennial!

Did you know Missouri is turning 200 this summer? In celebration, Missouri is making a big splash this year to help celebrate Missouri's Bicentennial on August 10th, 2021! Events and projects are taking place state wide in celebration. Some activities and events will take place on Missouri's actual birthday, but there also a lot of events, initiatives , and projects happening all summer long. Read on to learn more about the mission and vision behind Missouri's 2021 Bicentennial! 


August 10, 2021, will mark the two hundredth anniversary of Missouri’s entry as the 24th state to enter the United States. A state with many different regional cultures, geographies, and industries, each Missouri community, county, and region has a story to tell about its people, their history, their commerce, and their culture. By celebrating the accomplishments and diversity of all these regions, we help create a better understanding of our one Missouri and the ties that bind us together.

Under the Missouri 2021 banner, the State Historical Society of Missouri is committed to coordinating a truly statewide commemoration that incorporates both rural and urban communities in projects, programs, and events that contribute to a better shared understanding of the State’s geographic and cultural diversity as well as the similarities that bring us together as Missourians.

This important work began in 2013 when the 97th Missouri General Assembly, issued House Concurrent Resolution 7 (HCR7) tasking SHSMO to develop “plans, ideas, and proposals to commemorate and celebrate” the Missouri Bicentennial and to provide “guidance and direction to a statewide effort to promote and celebrate the State of Missouri’s rich and complex history.”

This role is fitting for the State Historical Society of Missouri, a trustee of the State of Missouri since 1899, as the organization’s mission is to collect, preserve, publish, exhibit, and make available material related to all aspects and periods of Missouri history. The Society also seeks to generate interest in and appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of the state and its people through education and outreach.

Learn about Missouri's History! 

Curious about learning more about Missouri and the timeline of events that have occurred from 1250 all the way to 2021? Head to https://missouri2021.org/ara-homepage/missouri-timeline/ to view the official interactive timeline of Missouri!


The mission of Missouri 2021 is to promote a better understanding of Missouri and its regions, communities, and people, both past and present. The Missouri Bicentennial provides opportunities for citizens to celebrate, explore, and share perspectives on the state’s rich history and culture.


Missourians, at home and abroad, will walk away from the bicentennial experience with a greater appreciation for the state’s history and its diverse communities and cultures as well as a better sense of their shared investment in the state’s future.

How to Celebrate! 

There are many ways to engage, participate in projects, events, and online information to celebrate all across Missouri! Stay tuned for next week's blog where we will dive deeper into event surrounding Missouri's Bicentennial! 

Missouri - A Great Place to Visit! 

Our hotels in St. Robert, MO are proud to located in the state of Missouri! Located in the Missouri Ozarks, Fort Leonard Wood offer visitors a great place to enjoy the outdoors and learn about our history at our local museums. If you are looking for a fun destination in Missouri to visit, be sure to add Fort Leonard Wood to the top of your list! Learn more about visiting Fort Leonard Wood at www.ExploreFLW.com

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

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