Remembering 9/11 Patriots Day Festival

This September, Fort Wood Hotels is a proud sponsor of the Remembering 9/11 Patriots Day Festival in Fort Leonard Wood. The goal of this event is to bring service members and families stationed at Fort Leonard Wood together with the community to focus on patriotism, music, fellowship, and education centered around the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 event. Read on to learn how this event plans to honor 9/11 and the festival events proceeding after.

Remembering 9/11 Patriots Day Festival 

Presented by: The Armed Services YMCA of Missouri 

Saturday, September 11th, 2021 
Pulaski County Ft Wood Shrine Club

Our Mission, Vision, and Goals

We are on a mission to bring service members & families stationed at Fort Leonard Wood together with the surrounding community to provide an event focused around patriotism, music, fellowship, community, and education centered around the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 event.

Our vision for this program is one of the common thread of service, sacrifice, and honor that we all hold dear in love of country and community. This event will provide something for everyone who is stationed or visiting Fort Leonard Wood.

This event will provide the opportunity for local businesses to financially contribute to the members of this community in a way that promotes their business.

*This event is 100% not for profit.

All proceeds will be donated back to our community.

If you would like to help sponsor this event, CLICK HERE

Festival Events

7:46 am

Invocation and Moment of Silence at the exact time that the first plane hit the North World Trade Center Tower. - Delivered by Chaplain Sharp from the 787th Military Police Training Battalion.

8:03 am

This is the exact time that the 2nd plane hit the South World Trade Center Tower.

9.11 Mile Remembrance Ruck Start

5K Fun Run Start

All Day

Remembrance area for all 3042 victims

Waynesville R-VI School District Student Photography and Art Contest

Food Trucks and Craft Vendors


8:30 am - Sunset

Petting Zoo

Pumpkin Patch

Barrel Train Rides

Fall Photography Areas


Bounce Houses

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

WHS Band Performance (Time TBD)

WHS Drama Club Performance (Time TBD)

WHS Speech Team Performances (Time TBD)

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

WLW Wrestling Performance

12:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Beer and Wine Tastings

5:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Music Festival (Featuring: Scooter Brown Band, Chuck Briseno, and Hunter Hathcoat)

9:30 pm

Firework Display

To purchase event tickets or register for the Ruck Run or 5k run:

 For More Event Info 

Visit the Remembering 9/11 Patriots Day Festival on Facebook at:

Discounted Rates at Fort Wood Hotels! 

Fort Wood Hotels will be offering discounted rates at our Comfort Inn location if you are coming in from out of town. Take advantage of our discounted room rates on Friday, September 10th, and Saturday, September 11th. Book online HERE to get the discounted room rate at Comfort Inn! 

Since 1999 Fort Wood Hotels has been serving guests and communities in and around the area with award-winning Fort Leonard Wood hotels. Great hotel brands, great locations, and a never-ending focus on improving operations define who we are. We are determined to continue investing in our hotels. We listen to our guests and respond to their needs.

Staying for a day...a week...or a month?  We've got you covered!

Make sure to follow all our social media channels:

Reservations: 573-451-3678

Sales Office: 573-451-3203


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