Community Spotlight -- Good Samaritan of the Ozarks!

This week, Fort Wood Hotels has another Community Spotlight to share, Good Samaritan! Good Samaritan does so much for the community. We truly believe in their kindness and support of those in need. We have helped in the past with donations of items from our hotels. We helped with a drive to collect Personal Supply Kits for the women & children at Genesis, A Place of New Beginnings a few years ago. We have had a partnership supporting their hotel needs. We do stand by them and are ready to support them when we can. Read on to learn more about this incredible organization! 

1.  Tell us about your organization

Good Samaritan of the Ozarks is a faith based, local 501c3 non-profit that has been providing emergency services to the community since 1975. It began as a grassroots movement with the focus of providing shelter to women and children who were forced out of their homes after suffering domestic violence. Since that time other services have been added including two thrift stores, one in Waynesville and the other in Richland, and a large food pantry that also provides emergency financial assistance. In 2007 a new safe shelter (Genesis) was opened and can house up to 37 women and children, providing safety and many other supportive services. Good Samaritan of the Ozarks partners with many other organizations and churches to provide wrap around services to the client population including COMC and their mobile medical unit and the Salvation Army which uses one of our food pantry offices to distribute their funds.

2. What is the Mission Statement of your organization?

“Good Samaritan of the Ozarks exists to communicate the love of God through Christ by providing emergency services to the people in our community by meeting their emergency needs.”

3. How long how has your organization been serving our community?

We have been serving the commity since 1975.

4. How can our community help serve your mission? Volunteering, donations, board members, etc?

We have volunteer opportunities available at all of our program locations. Those who are interested can call Shaunna at (573) 433-3410.

Board member applications are being accepted, the agency currently has one opening, preferably someone with experience in finance.

We accept donations of items in good condition at both of our thrift stores from 10am-3pm on the days that the stores are open. The food pantry accepts donations MWF from 9am-3pm.

We would be unable to provide these services without the financial support of the local community. People can donate on our website, bring donations to our administrative office at 121 Ichord Ave. in Waynesville or by mail to P.O. Box 4177 Waynesville, MO 65583. Beginning in July any monetary donations to Genesis from private individuals and/or businesses will be able to receive a 70% Missouri tax credit for donations of $100 or more, this is an increase from the 50% credit that is normally offered!


5. Do you have any events you’d like to promote in 2022?

Please follow our pages on Facebook and check our website for the most up to date information!

6. How can the community get in contact with you? Website, phone number, email, etc

All of our information can be found in the following places:


Agency Page

Thrift Stores Page

Genesis: A Place of New Beginnings Page

Fort Wood Hotels Serves our Community! 

Fort Wood Hotels is absolutely committed to serving our community! Anything we can do to support our community, we want to be involved with! Good Samaritan of the Ozarks is just of the many incredible organizations we love to support! 

Make sure to follow all our social media channels:

Reservations: 573-451-3678
Sales Office: 573-451-3203


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