DIY Fun At-Home Games for Kids Part 2 - Celebrate with the National Days Calendar!

Can’t remember how many days you’ve been at home with the kids? You may be searching for fun ways to keep them entertained so you can get some work done or just simply have some fun family time! This week, our hotels in St. Robert, MO would like to continue with our blogging series DIY Fun At Home Games for Kids! In a previous blog we gave some fun ideas for scavenger hunts! This week, we plan to explore National Days!

Did you know there is a National Days Calendar loaded with fun holidays you’ve probably never heard of? Some are food related, some are career focused, and many other topics! You can view the full calendar HERE, but below are a few of our favorites for the month of April and part of May along with a few ideas for having some fun with the holidays!

April 24th - National Teach Children to Save Day 

What better time than now to teach your kids the importance of saving money! Buy them a piggy bank to start saving with, open up a savings account in their name, or teach them how much stuff cost like toys and food.

April 25th - National Zucchini Bread Day

Have you ever made zucchini bread? It’s delicious, and best of all great for “hiding” vegetables for the kids to eat. Observe this day by baking some zucchini bread with the kids. Here is a recipe!

April 26th - National Kids and Pets Day 

Do you have pets at home? Take time on April 26th to take them for a walk, clean out their cages, or dress them up and post a cute picture on social media! If you don’t have pets, consider looking up your local animal shelter and making a small donation.

April 27th - National Tell a Story Day

Have each of your kids come up with their own story! Depending on ages, they can verbally tell their story or write it down and illustrate their very own book!

April 28th - National Super Hero Day 

Wear your favorite super hero shirt, pants, costume, or cape!

April 30th - National Bugs Bunny Day 

This one is for you parents! Have you introduced your kids to the infamous Bugs Bunny? Spend the day watching a few episodes!

May 1st - National Chocolate Parfait Day

Treat yourself to a delicious chocolate parfait! Have the kids help with assembly.

May 2nd - National Fitness Day 

Take some time out of your day to enjoy some exercise! Go for a walk, have a dance party, or do some yoga.

May 3rd - National Wear Two Different Colored Shoes Day

Okay, we didn’t say all of the holidays would make sense but that’s part of the fun! Plus, you’re staying at home anyway, so why not have some fun and wear two different colored shoes? Post a fun picture to social media using the the hashtag #TwoDifferentColoredShoesDay

May 4th - National Weather Observer Day

Spend May 4th observing the weather! Draw pictures of what the weather is doing outside, or teach your kids about the different types of clouds and spot them in the sky. 

May 5th - Cinco De Mayo 

Have a fun taco party with the kids or make some salsa from scratch! 

May 6th - National Nurses Day 

This year, we think National Nurses Day is especially important. Talk with your kids about the important job nurses have and think of a creative way to thank them! Buy someone lunch, send out a thank you card, or call a nurse you know and thank them! 

May 8th - National Have a Coke Day 

Coke has been a tasty treat for 1944! Enjoy a coke together! 

May 9th - National Lost Sock Memorial Day 

Okay, this on might seem a little silly, but why not make the most of it! Take this day to clean out your sock drawer and have the kids do the same. Repurpose your socks for cleaning rags or if you want, plan a “sock funeral” and then toss them out. 

May 10th - National Clean Up Your Room Day 

The kids might not think this National Day is quite as fun, but remind them about all they fun you’ve been having with delicious treats and fun activities. Then, maybe cleaning up won’t sound so bad. Consider making it fun by playing music and “racing” to see who can pick up and organize their room the fastest. 

These are just a few fun ideas and holidays to observe while you’re at home. Be sure to check out the National Day’s Website for more Holidays to partake in!  

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