DIY Fun At-Home Games for Kids Part 2 - Celebrate with the National Days Calendar!

Can’t remember how many days you’ve been at home with the kids? You may be searching for fun ways to keep them entertained so you can get some work done or just simply have some fun family time! This week, our hotels in St. Robert, MO would like to continue with our blogging series DIY Fun At Home Games for Kids ! In a previous blog we gave some fun ideas for scavenger hunts! This week, we plan to explore National Days! Did you know there is a National Days Calendar loaded with fun holidays you’ve probably never heard of? Some are food related, some are career focused, and many other topics! You can view the full calendar HERE , but below are a few of our favorites for the month of April and part of May along with a few ideas for having some fun with the holidays! April 24th - National Teach Children to Save Day What better time than now to teach your kids the importance of saving money! Buy them a piggy bank to start saving with, open up a savings account in their na...